dNeero conv about Obama!

Check out this new dNeero conversation on the US president, his promises and the economic crisis.

dNeero convo about twitter

Find out which celebrities are already on Twitter!

American Idol conv on dNeero!

Concert Mania! Only on dNeero!

Share your opinion on which bands create the greatest atmosphere in the public at concerts, when the crowd goes wild.. Release the Maniac in you!

Lung cancer related Dneero conversation!

Raising awareness about the damage smoking or passive smoking can do to someone and how lung cancer can be prevented.

About spam

My forum is getting flooded with spammers everyday. What’s funny though is that you can know instantly who are the spam users because of their stupid names. If they would have names like John X or Lucy Y maybe I would consider the part when I delete them and ban them by their IP. Which is useless because you can’t stop spam.

New Dneero Conversation!

Music-themed Dneero conversation, involving American Idol among others!